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    Life On Outdoors...Turn Your Life ON!

    How We Give Back

    What a cool idea that the purchases you make can not only help you look good (or GREAT!), but can also do good!  At Life On Outdoors, you can do just that!  Every product purchased from Life On Outdoors provides 10 meals to hungry children globally.  Because when you are in your element and turning your Life On, the natural thing to do is pass on the same good feeling to others.

    The Reason?

    Why did we choose feeding hungry children as our way of giving back?  Well, we know that when basic needs such as food, shelter, and clothing aren’t being met, you can’t live your best life.  It’s that simple.  For that reason, we want to be able to provide those in need with the necessary foundation so that then things like learning, goal creating, goal achieving, and goal crushing, can easily and happily occur!